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Triangle Selling

You cannot succeed in B2B sales today running a sales methodology that was created 10 years ago... much less last century. Human beings haven't changed but the way we interact with each other definitely has. Data, automation, social, text, video, more than 6 buyers in every purchase decision. Buyers today are bombarded with market noise and abundant sources of information so you've got to keep up.

If you're running an old "proven" sales methodology that you keep adapting (but need better results), multiple sales methodologies all at once, or - you're winging it off of tips and tricks from the Internet... Triangle Selling is the complete, modern B2B sales course.

This system is used by thousands of salespeople worldwide to crush their goals consistently. Join them.

You'll learn

  • Why the tips and tricks you find on social media don't work
  • How to segment your market and identify your ideal customers
  • How to evaluate direct vs. indirect competition
  • Where your winning zone is and how to position your conversations where you win
  • How to use the Target Market Matrix instead of the old Ideal Customer Profile and why it works in 2022
  • How to use the tap into the emotions that drive buying decisions
  • How to turn features and benefits into pain questions
  • How to get prospects to willingly disclose urgency and priority
  • When to talk about your solution (it's not at the start of a conversation)
  • The only 6 minutes of sales psychology you'll ever need
  • To evaluate if your sales stages are slowing you down
  • How to control meetings and create urgency
  • The secret formula for closing deals fast - even complex sales cycles
  • How to avoid the 7 Deadly Deal Killers
  • How to uncover a prospects willingness and ability to buy from you
  • The difference between Handling Objections (old method) and Managing Resistance
  • How to conduct demos and presentations that convert to closed business
  • How to keep prospects engaged throughout the sales cycle. Especially complex sales
  • How to constantly get tons of high-quality referrals
  • What notes B2B sales pros take on sales calls and why
  • How to close inbound leads... they are not as warm as you think

How to Convert Trials and Pilots

In this course we talk about how to convert free managed trials into closed business. The key is that you want to have a clear process for closing the deals you should win, and disqualifying tire kickers.

Salespeople can end up wasting tons of time and company resources with prospects that are never going to go anywhere. Put frameworks in place from this course so that you can see the red flags early and focus on the deals that matter.

You'll learn

  • Whether trials make sense for your business and for your customer?
  • The steps before initiating a trial, what are the key prospect resources you need to gather?
  • How to roll out trials and pilots in a way that ensures engagement
  • how to keep trial users from going dark during the evaluation process
  • How to tee up trials in a way that ensures success and won deals

How to Hire Salespeople Who Perform

If you're in sales management or sales enablement chances are you are on the hook for hiring salespeople.  This includes finding the right individual, interviewing the candidates you identify, vetting whether or not they are good fit for your company, making offers and then helping them to succeed. This course helps you to create rigor around the best practices that make it easy to consistently hire salespeople who will perform in your roles.

This framework is being used by the fastest-growing companies in the world to ensure they are able to maintain competitive advantage in hiring.

You'll learn

  • The hidden challenges in hiring salespeople
  • How to define your hiring goals and target profiles
  • How to establish a competency model for benchmarking
  • How to create an experience model
  • How to generate high-quality, ongoing sales candidate referrals
  • How to nurture candidates throughout a competitive hiring process
  • The interview process that saves team bandwidth and earmarks the best candidates
  • How to define roles in the interview process
  • The Golden Phone Screen and why it's highly effective with sales people
  • How to conduct effective chronological interviews
  • Why the experiential interview is the secret to unlocking sales performance
  • How to develop a scoring rubric that consistently evaluates the right criteria
  • How to evaluate your best candidates based upon data points collected in the process
  • How to introduce the framework to your team and hold folks accountable to the process

How to Coach Salespeople

The word is out! Everybody knows that coaching is the most effective way to heighten the performance of your B2B sales team - in quarter! So why don't more people do it? One of the reasons is, it's hard. It takes a lot of time and a lot of preparation and frankly a lot of managers just haven't been trained on how to do it. Managers know how to monitor CRM metrics, how to do pipeline analysis, and how to sell (in fact that's how most got the job).

But how do you go about coaching effectively?  There are five secrets to becoming a sales coach.  They aren't difficult to learn or apply and will transform your team within in week.

You'll learn

  • The five behavioral drivers essential for establishing a trust-based coaching relationship
  • How to identify the type of challenge a sales rep might be experiencing
  • How to identify the most impactful performance challenge you are trying to impact
  • How to get your sales reps to create their own action plan
  • How to ensure you are setting your sales reps up for success
  • How to articulate consequences (positive and negative) 
  • How to hold yourself and your sales rep accountable to outcomes that move the needle

How to Run Powerful Pipeline Reviews

The best sales organizations structure and run their pipeline review meetings to drive top line revenue across the company and set each seller up for success.

Pipeline reviews drive revenue forecast accuracy, communication, accountability, and team culture.

You'll learn

  • How to set up your CRM to so that SALESPEOPLE USE IT and capture the most critical deal information not anecdotes
  • How to create quantitative accountability driven by rep activity and performance
  • How both salespeople and managers must prepare for pipeline reviews
  • How to run effective and impactful pipeline review meetings
  • The Four Keys to driving productivity and impacting revenue
  • The Five Mistakes salespeople make in pipeline review meetings
  • How to create a culture of continuous improvement

Teachers / Speakers

No teachers scheduled yet.

B2B Sales Management Bundle

Everything a B2B Sales Management team needs for hiring, coaching, sales methodology, and pipeline reviews.

Who is this bundle for?

  • Startup Founders
  • Business Owners
  • Sales Management
  • Sales Leadership

B2B Sales Management Bundle

Everything a B2B Sales Management team needs for hiring, coaching, sales methodology, and pipeline reviews.

Who is this bundle for?

  • Startup Founders
  • Business Owners
  • Sales Management
  • Sales Leadership


Triangle Selling

You cannot succeed in B2B sales today running a sales methodology that was created 10 years ago... much less last century. Human beings haven't changed but the way we interact with each other definitely has. Data, automation, social, text, video, more than 6 buyers in every purchase decision. Buyers today are bombarded with market noise and abundant sources of information so you've got to keep up.

If you're running an old "proven" sales methodology that you keep adapting (but need better results), multiple sales methodologies all at once, or - you're winging it off of tips and tricks from the Internet... Triangle Selling is the complete, modern B2B sales course.

This system is used by thousands of salespeople worldwide to crush their goals consistently. Join them.

You'll learn

  • Why the tips and tricks you find on social media don't work
  • How to segment your market and identify your ideal customers
  • How to evaluate direct vs. indirect competition
  • Where your winning zone is and how to position your conversations where you win
  • How to use the Target Market Matrix instead of the old Ideal Customer Profile and why it works in 2022
  • How to use the tap into the emotions that drive buying decisions
  • How to turn features and benefits into pain questions
  • How to get prospects to willingly disclose urgency and priority
  • When to talk about your solution (it's not at the start of a conversation)
  • The only 6 minutes of sales psychology you'll ever need
  • To evaluate if your sales stages are slowing you down
  • How to control meetings and create urgency
  • The secret formula for closing deals fast - even complex sales cycles
  • How to avoid the 7 Deadly Deal Killers
  • How to uncover a prospects willingness and ability to buy from you
  • The difference between Handling Objections (old method) and Managing Resistance
  • How to conduct demos and presentations that convert to closed business
  • How to keep prospects engaged throughout the sales cycle. Especially complex sales
  • How to constantly get tons of high-quality referrals
  • What notes B2B sales pros take on sales calls and why
  • How to close inbound leads... they are not as warm as you think

How to Convert Trials and Pilots

In this course we talk about how to convert free managed trials into closed business. The key is that you want to have a clear process for closing the deals you should win, and disqualifying tire kickers.

Salespeople can end up wasting tons of time and company resources with prospects that are never going to go anywhere. Put frameworks in place from this course so that you can see the red flags early and focus on the deals that matter.

You'll learn

  • Whether trials make sense for your business and for your customer?
  • The steps before initiating a trial, what are the key prospect resources you need to gather?
  • How to roll out trials and pilots in a way that ensures engagement
  • how to keep trial users from going dark during the evaluation process
  • How to tee up trials in a way that ensures success and won deals

How to Hire Salespeople Who Perform

If you're in sales management or sales enablement chances are you are on the hook for hiring salespeople.  This includes finding the right individual, interviewing the candidates you identify, vetting whether or not they are good fit for your company, making offers and then helping them to succeed. This course helps you to create rigor around the best practices that make it easy to consistently hire salespeople who will perform in your roles.

This framework is being used by the fastest-growing companies in the world to ensure they are able to maintain competitive advantage in hiring.

You'll learn

  • The hidden challenges in hiring salespeople
  • How to define your hiring goals and target profiles
  • How to establish a competency model for benchmarking
  • How to create an experience model
  • How to generate high-quality, ongoing sales candidate referrals
  • How to nurture candidates throughout a competitive hiring process
  • The interview process that saves team bandwidth and earmarks the best candidates
  • How to define roles in the interview process
  • The Golden Phone Screen and why it's highly effective with sales people
  • How to conduct effective chronological interviews
  • Why the experiential interview is the secret to unlocking sales performance
  • How to develop a scoring rubric that consistently evaluates the right criteria
  • How to evaluate your best candidates based upon data points collected in the process
  • How to introduce the framework to your team and hold folks accountable to the process

How to Coach Salespeople

The word is out! Everybody knows that coaching is the most effective way to heighten the performance of your B2B sales team - in quarter! So why don't more people do it? One of the reasons is, it's hard. It takes a lot of time and a lot of preparation and frankly a lot of managers just haven't been trained on how to do it. Managers know how to monitor CRM metrics, how to do pipeline analysis, and how to sell (in fact that's how most got the job).

But how do you go about coaching effectively?  There are five secrets to becoming a sales coach.  They aren't difficult to learn or apply and will transform your team within in week.

You'll learn

  • The five behavioral drivers essential for establishing a trust-based coaching relationship
  • How to identify the type of challenge a sales rep might be experiencing
  • How to identify the most impactful performance challenge you are trying to impact
  • How to get your sales reps to create their own action plan
  • How to ensure you are setting your sales reps up for success
  • How to articulate consequences (positive and negative) 
  • How to hold yourself and your sales rep accountable to outcomes that move the needle

How to Run Powerful Pipeline Reviews

The best sales organizations structure and run their pipeline review meetings to drive top line revenue across the company and set each seller up for success.

Pipeline reviews drive revenue forecast accuracy, communication, accountability, and team culture.

You'll learn

  • How to set up your CRM to so that SALESPEOPLE USE IT and capture the most critical deal information not anecdotes
  • How to create quantitative accountability driven by rep activity and performance
  • How both salespeople and managers must prepare for pipeline reviews
  • How to run effective and impactful pipeline review meetings
  • The Four Keys to driving productivity and impacting revenue
  • The Five Mistakes salespeople make in pipeline review meetings
  • How to create a culture of continuous improvement
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